Getting Started with Django First Step Tutorials

About 2 months ago I got bored one weekend and decided to try some different frameworks for a new project. I wanted to try a newer language as well as learn an actual framework to speed up the production of my web apps. I heard great reviews about Django and thoroughly enjoyed the small bits of experience I’ve had with Python so I decided to give it a go.

I started off with the nettuts | Python from Scratch Tutorial Series which was really well done, part 5 is where you actually start getting into Django. He explains how to set Django up from absolutely nothing, you do need a place to host your website though. I have Linux experience so I thought it was easy but the way it was presented I think anyone with minimal expereince would have no problem.

After I got my first Django Project up and running I started looking for more tutorials and came across Mike Hibbert’s Python Django youtube channel. This guy has tutorials to cover any application someone new to Django would be trying to achieve. I picked which ones I needed as per my project but I would recommend to check them all out if you have the time.

In summary I would say that following these two tutorials would get anyone on their feet and into the Django world. If you hit any stumbling points along the way go read the Django Documentation and as a last resort you can always ask questions on Stack Overflow.